work with motivation and emotion.
Self-management, self-managing teams are confronted with managing motivation, emotions, how you react to changes and uncertainty and challenges. The mentality and adaptability determine the performance. These components form the basis for our self-management program, which is designed for personal, professional and organizational effectiveness. Does an employee view his / her work as a burden or a pleasure? It just depends on what motivates someone. Well-motivated employees and self-managing teams are encouraged to communicate well, and above all to connect well with each other. With our Buddhist management background, we encourage the importance of compassion, because this helps everyone understand each other better. Understanding is enormous power and source of flow and energy. It stimulates effective communication between management, teams and employees, but also for customers and stakeholders. It also minimizes conflicts.

 "It is not the strongest of species, that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change." ~ Charles Darwin

alert and aware.
A high level of alertness is necessary for self-management. A high state of consciousness. Present. And also, be aware of your own thoughts and emotions. This provides a measurable difference in concentration and productivity. Many problems arise from a lack of alertness, which is caused by unrest, an unstable state of mind and an imbalance in trust.
compassionate leadership in practice.

'Compassionate' and 'Leadership' are not empty words with us, we provide proof to our clients on a daily basis. For example, guidance by Compassionate Leadership in the form of: in-company processes, training courses, or short inspiration workshop (s). In addition, we are frequently asked speakers at seminars and congresses. We are known as trusted, compassionate advisers and trainers for our clients. We are pioneers in the field of human resources. We provide training, inspiration workshops, short motivation sessions, mindset training.


believe you can and you're half way there.
call, app or mail us:
Call or app us on 06-13448960 or leave a message here.

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